MANTRA goes to MACH2010

07 June 2010

Young visitors to the MACH2010 show will have a unique opportunity to experience cutting-edge manufacturing technology in action aboard the AMRC's MANTRA travelling exhibition.

MANTRA - the MANufacturing TRAnsporter - will be parked at the heart of MACH2010's new Education and Training Zone, aimed specifically at school and college students. Created by the AMRC with the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, MANTRA is a customised 14m HGV trailer designed to give aspiring young engineers a hands-on experience with real technologies.

Facilities aboard MANTRA include: a fully operational mill-turn machine that can be programmed to cut a range of metals; eight video screens showcasing the engineering expertise and most exciting products of partners such as Boeing and Rolls-Royce; and a 3-D virtual reality centre where students can dismantle a virtual jet engine.

The exhibition will also be highlighting results from two European collaborative research projects, AFFIX and RAPOLAC

MANTRA will be open to business delegates at MACH2010 within selected hours. And in July, it will be appearing at the Royal International Air Tattoo.