Multi-million pound investment in cutting-edge Factory of the Future

08 November 2007

A £6.5 million government investment to build a "Factory of the Future", as part of the University of Sheffield's Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), was announced this week by the regional Develop Agency, Yorkshire Forward. A further £3 million of European funding will be contributed to the project from Objective 1. This total of £9.5m is matched by contributions from the University of Sheffield and partner companies.

This bold initiative will contribute to world-class pioneering work in Sheffield's advanced engineering and materials sector, by creating a unique centre to exploit highly innovative technologies. The Factory will be purpose built to house the latest manufacturing equipment and 'state of the art' production capabilities to enable businesses to trial new developments in a full-scale commercial production facility, before making significant and high-risk investment decisions.

AMRC prime partners now include world-renowned companies Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Smith Industries and Messier Dowty, all of which work in high-technology industries such as aerospace that require the best in manufacturing technology in order to bring top quality products to market more rapidly and cost-effectively in future.

Rolls-Royce has been influential in promoting the Factory of the Future concept that satisfies the future industrial needs of the AMRC prime partners.

Dr Hamid Mughal, Director of Manufacturing Engineering at Rolls-Royce explains: "The continuous development and application of the latest and most advanced manufacturing methods and technologies is a critical enabler to meeting the increasingly challenging aerospace product performance, quality and cost targets. The AMRC - and particularly the Factory of the Future technologies provides an ideal framework and the environment to rapidly develop and apply these technologies at minimum lead times and risk to the partner companies."

Information Communications Technology (ICT) and 'virtual' manufacturing will be key components of the new facility, as will alternative manufacturing methods, such as additive manufacturing processes which grow 3-dimensional parts, considerably reducing material waste and increasing design flexibility.

Over 100 University of Sheffield researchers will also be stationed at the factory, who will be responsible for transferring knowledge of these pioneering industrial techniques to manufacturing companies throughout the whole region. This will ensure that the Yorkshire and Humber region, as well as national and international business partners, possesses the technical expertise to continually compete on a global scale.

The facility building will be 4,200m^2 and distinctive in its architecture. It has been designed as national exemplar of 'sustainable' or environmentally friendly - building development. The build will be carried out and owned at completion by the University of Sheffield.

The Factory is expected to be of significant interest to companies in the aerospace, automotive and medical sectors. It is also projected to attract investment partners from around the globe and build an international reputation for manufacturing excellence.

Commenting on the announcement, Jim Farmery, Head of Innovation at the Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward said:

"The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre has already established an enviable reputation world-wide - as an international centre of excellence in manufacturing production."

The Factory is a key development in ongoing work to apply world-class engineering expertise to real manufacturing challenges. According to its Director, Professor Keith Ridgway:

"The AMRC was established five years ago in partnership with the world's largest aerospace company, Boeing, and regional, national and European government. It was cited by a Government White Paper as an example of how University's can work with business and government to create cutting edge copmanies. Since then it has established a reputation as an international centre of excellence in production engineering for the metals industry."

"Our team have developed new manufacturing techniques that have resulted in a performance 'step change' - bringing in commercial orders to the region that would otherwise have gone to developing economic regions."

Notes to the editor

Yorkshire Forward

  1. Yorkshire Forward is the Regional Development Agency behind the economic regeneration of Yorkshire and Humber. It aims to make a positive difference by investing in jobs, improving towns and cities and in supporting businesses throughout the region.
  2. Over the past year, Yorkshire Forward has created and safeguarded more than 23,810 new jobs; helped create and attract more than 1,007 new businesses, provided nearly 58,607 learning opportunities and attracted more than £370 million private sector finance - achieving or exceeding all of the targets it was set.
  3. Yorkshire Forward's investment across the region is maximised by attracting European Regional Development Funding from the Objective One and Two programmes.

For further information, please contact Harriet Rodgers, Senior Press Officer, Yorkshire Forward, Tel 0113 394 9923; e-mail:; Fax 0113 243 1088.