Factory 2050 Conference: Technologies and systems

18 February 2015

THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT! Look out for details of our next international conference 'TRAM 2015' - coming soon!

AMRC Factory 2050

Date: March, 25th 2015 - March, 26th 2015.

Join us for our international conference about Factory 2050 - the world's first totally reconfigurable factory and soon to be the AMRC Integrated Manufacturing Group's new home.

The programme will include presentations from academics and industrial end users, exhibitions and demonstrations, as well as networking opportunities.

The cost of the two day conference is £75 for AMRC Forum members & AMRC partners, and £100 for non-members. This includes conference proceedings, meals and refreshments and the evening reception on the 25th March.

Please contact Chloe Lidster on c.lidster@amrc.co.uk or 0114 222 6661 with any booking queries.

Visit the Factory 2050 conference website for more details of the event and how to submit an abstract for inclusion.

Download the conference flyer here >>

AMRC Knowledge Transfer Centre (KTC), Rotherham

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