The Elements Of High Performance Machining

08 December 2010

December's Advanced Manufacturing Forum gave companies working with exotic materials an insight into the many technological elements that can improve performance, from innovative tool design to coolant optimisation.

Paul Williams, product manager at Sandvik Coromant, set the scene by emphasising that businesses which cut high-performance alloys are only making money while the metal is actually being cut. "You need to increase throughput by faster servicing, or by maximising metal removal rates," he said.

Downtime can be reduced by using machine tools with features such as multiple tool positions and pallet jaws. For short-run production, significant savings can be made by more closely integrating machining and measurement.

Removal rates can be significantly improved by careful choice of tool. Moving from a square tool insert to a circular one can double the feed rate and reduce tool wear, albeit at the cost of a restricted depth of cut.

Steve Maddy of Nikken Kosakusho outlined the role that tool holdings can play in improving performance. A precise interface between the cutting tool and its holder, and between the holder and spindle, can increase the accuracy of the tool and significantly improve tool life. "If you don't make the right connection, you will pay for it," Maddy noted.

Mark Kirby of Technicut returned to the role of tool design for aerospace machining, explaining how features such as unequal flute divides, higher flute density and refined geometries can improve work rates, save costs, and reduce capital expenditure requirements.

Steve Rushton of Houghton talked about the importance of choosing the right coolant and other machining fluids. Houghton has been working with the AMRC on a coolant characterisation project to identify the optimal fluids for common titanium alloys, and has demonstrated that the right choice can significantly extend tool life. Similar trials are now starting for Inconel and other high-performance alloys.

James Butler of Dormer and Ken Baldwin of CAM software group Open Mind closed the morning's talks with a joint presentation on how the right choice of tool and tool path can improve performance in rough cutting.

Butler talked about innovative tool design for rough cutting, where features such as unequal helix angles, variable pitch and reinforced end teeth can reduce chatter and improve performance. "Once you've got the right tool, you then need the right strategy to use it," he noted.

Baldwin then introduced off-the-shelf software which can optimise the tool path to ensure that the tool is constantly working at maximum efficiency. A constant material removal rate can be achieved by calculating a different feed rate for each tool movement, while tool life can be extended avoiding sharp corners and awkward movements between cuts. "You're ensuring the tool is in its sweet zone, regardless of the movement," Baldwin concluded.

The Advanced Manufacturing Forum is the AMRC's technology network for manufacturing businesses. The regular events cover a range of topics of relevance to manufacturing businesses, offering insight into current and emerging technologies and supply chain issues.

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More on machining research at the AMRC.