Unlocking Your Challenges with AMRC Cymru: 1-to-1 Innovation Workshops

21 October 2024 - 25 October 2024

Are you an entrepreneur, small business or inventor with a groundbreaking product or service idea? Or perhaps you're an SME facing challenges in product development or manufacturing?

Join us for a free 1-to-1 drop-in session to receive expert guidance and support.

AMRC Cymru will provide 1-to-1 technical support to help you structure your product or idea, develop a step-by-step action plan, and explore design, manufacturing, and digitisation options.

Business Wales will offer 1-to-1 commercialisation support to create a robust business plan, forecast financial projections, and navigate the path to market.

Rapidly diagnose and troubleshoot current innovation barriers. Leave with a clear workplan, access to valuable resources, and the confidence to succeed.

Each 1-to-1 1-hour session will include:

Part 1 – 5 minutes


Part 2 – 40 minutes

Discussion and Development of the Challenge Canvas and/or Idea Canvas

Part 3 – 15 minutes

Initial Support Advice and booking of follow-on consultation - Dissemination of bespoke action plan 

For more information and registration including available dates and times please click here


Herio eich Heriau gydag AMRC Cymru: Gweithdai Arloesi Un-i-un

Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn galw heibio un-i-un am ddim i gael arweiniad a chymorth arbenigol.


AMRC Cymru

Ffordd Caer, Caer CH4 0DH

Manylion y digwyddiad hwn

Ydych chi’n entrepreneur, yn fusnes bach neu’n ddyfeisiwr sydd â syniad arloesol am gynnyrch neu wasanaeth? Neu efallai eich bod yn fusnes bach a chanolig sy’n wynebu heriau o ran datblygu cynnyrch neu weithgynhyrchu?

Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn galw heibio un-i-un am ddim i gael arweiniad a chymorth arbenigol.

Bydd AMRC Cymru yn darparu cymorth technegol un-i-un i’ch helpu i strwythuro eich cynnyrch neu’ch syniad, i ddatblygu cynllun gweithredu cam wrth gam, ac i archwilio opsiynau o ran dylunio, gweithgynhyrchu a digideiddio.

Bydd Busnes Cymru yn cynnig cymorth masnacheiddio un-i-un i greu cynllun busnes cadarn, rhagfynegi rhagamcaniadau ariannol, a llywio’r llwybr i’r farchnad.

Byddwch yn gallu adnabod a datrys y rhwystrau presennol rhag arloesi yn gyflym. A byddwch yn gadael gyda chynllun gwaith clir, mynediad at adnoddau gwerthfawr, a’r hyder i lwyddo.

Bydd pob sesiwn un-i-un yn para awr ac yn cynnwys:

Rhan 1 – 5 munud


Rhan 2 – 40 munud

Trafod a Datblygu’r Cynfas Heriau a/neu’r Cynfas Syniadau

Rhan 3 – 15 munud

Cyngor a Chymorth Cychwynnol

Trefnu Ymgynghoriad Dilynol – Rhannu Cynllun Gweithredu Pwrpasol

Dyddiadau - 21, 23, 24 a 25 Hydref 2024

Slotiau awr ar gael - 08:30am, 09:30am, 10:30am, 15:30pm, 16:30pm a 17:30pm

Event Address:

Chester Road
United Kingdom

Event Organiser: